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South Malling CE Primary

Welcome to South Malling CofE PRIMARY and NURSERY SCHOOL

There is a vibrancy, positivity and openness at South Malling CofE Primary School which has an impact on all who visit us. The school’s distinct atmosphere is a result of the combination of high aspirations, successful relationships, innovation and our commitment to the belief in the development and wellbeing of every child. We are passionate about children’s learning and relish the challenge of guiding our children through life. The culture of our school ensures that every child is known well and valued.  

At South Malling we are happy, have mutual respect and work hard. We are very proud of our children and the people who help them learn and look forward to meeting and nurturing your child through the next phase of his or her life.

Visit Us Our Vision

21st Century SkillsTeaching and learning through talk

At South Malling we place the spoken word at the heart of our curriculum. In every subject and in every year, our focus on developing children's language skills enables our pupils to articulate their ideas, ask curious questions and engage actively with their learning. Over the course of their journey with us, your child will grow into an independent, resilient and reflective learner who is able to take ownership of their own education and develop the skills needed to succeed in the 21st century. As a school family, our motto of "reach for the stars" reminds us all to work hard to be the best we can be. 

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A Chance to Thrive Exploring Education Together

Whether dipping for minibeasts in our pond, coding games in our computer suite, or performing music and drama on stage, your child will have a wealth of opportunities to develop their passions and explore new areas of interest. Our amazing reception garden and spacious field with play-trail, orchard and raised beds - alongside our location at the foot of the South Downs in Lewes - allow children to explore nature and learn to care for the world around them. They will participate in a wide range of sport and exercise, learning to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy; while they will also build relationships based on respect, compassion and equality. As our most recent Ofsted report highlighted, relationships are a real strength of our school.

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Our Curriculum

  • Maths
  • Writing
  • Reading
  • Music
  • PE & Sport
  • EYFS

  • Humanities
  • RE
  • Computing
  • Art
  • PSHE
  • Science